Estimation and Confidence Intervals for Postmortem Intervals (hours)

Based on models implemented in papers:

Cordeiro, C; Ordoñez-Mayán, L; Lendoiro, E; Febrero-Bande, M; Vieira, DN & Muñoz-Barús, JI (2019). A reliable method for estimating the postmortem interval from the biochemistry of the vitreous humor, temperature and body weight. Forensic Science International (295):157-168

Henssge, C. Basic and application of the “nomogram method” at the scene. In Estimation of the Time since Death, 3rd ed. (Madea, B. Eds) CRC Press, Boca Raton (2016) pp 63-114

* L95%CIL and U95%CIL, lower and upper 95% confidence interval limits, respectively.

Estimation and Confidence Intervals for Postmortem Intervals (hours)

Based on models implemented in paper:

Muñoz-Barús, JI; Febrero-Bande, M and Cadarso-Suárez, C. (2008) Flexible regression models for estimating postmortem interval (PMI) in forensic medicine. Statis. Med. (27):5026-5038

* L95%CIL and U95%CIL, lower and upper 95% confidence interval limits, respectively.

Graphical representation of the PMI estimates plus their 95%CI limits